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More than words.

You know you love me, too.
Layout is by Cia: (Blog | Acc)
Icons/banners are from: Stopthetime / Reviviscent respectively.
Links inspiration are from: Alissa. xoxo
Outcome of the Interview
Monday, July 5, 2010
Today I went for interview at an office near Aljunied as a Data Entry Clerk. I got the job. Would be starting work on 13 July 2010. My offical last day of training would be this coming Friday. Would want to say a big Thank You to Mr Noel and Mdm Woo for their guidance and patience shown towards me. I would learn and apply what has been taught to me when I am on the job training. For the past 7 months I have learnt to gain confidence and know my ability that I can manage to work outside. It is all about my determination and tolerance.
Zhide, Jauhari, Syahrein and Juan.I really enjoy working with you all. Take Care. All the best. Keep in touch through sms.
Jim, Valerie, Yew Hua and Benny even though I don't know you guys well but wish you guys all the best.
I believe when you have determination, no matter how difficult the path is going to be, you will be able to make it through. By telling yourself that You can do it.


A trip to Xndo Centre for Health Management
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I am very pleased as i meet my way down to the Xndo centre. The Practioners is very nice and understanding. She do up for me my BMI and found that I am obese. She is willing to help me along to guide me to lose weight. I spent total $105 plus for the 1 wk supplement of health food but I find it is a bit expensive but if I can see a good results y not. Would be seeing her in a weeks time. Would be starting to use the product tonight. She even know about my psychiatric condition. She is interested to read out more about the medication I am taking so that in order to help me. She give me lots of free gifts which are useful to me. I was told to everyday exercise like walk for 30 mins and do stretching for 30 times. Would update you all in my next blog. Stay stuned for good results.....


Look Beautiful once again
Monday, May 3, 2010
I have left behind my Hp number for a Xndo Practioner to give me a call back regarding their slimming products. I have made an appointment with the Practioner on Thursday for a free consultation. She would advice me what slimming pills to buy after checking my fats contents. Waiting eagely to lose weight and be look pretty and slim once again.

Looking pretty and slim can boost self confidence. I believe after the whole treatment would make me feel great and good. Hopefully there would not be any side effect as I am still taking psychiatric medication.


Status of Interview
I am feeling very disappointed because my interview is a failure. I think is because I declare my condition. Why company does not sympathise people with mental condition. During interview, the interviewer said that she don't mind to try me out but she never promise to keep her words. So angry and discouraged. It is unfair, we as recovering patients should be given a chance to step into the society once again. Once again, I get stimagised everywhere I go.

I am happy that I am working at IMH library temporary. It is a platform for me to learn new things and to improve myself.


A fruitful day spent on my birthday
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How much flies? I am already 26 years old today. My dad and my mum bought cake from Tampines Mall last night to celebrate my birthday. My dad send me a early sms birthday greeting. Guess what. Today should go to work at Toa Payoh but I took a day off. Ate vegetarian the whole day to collect good Karma. I accompany my mum to Kwong Wai Shiu Nursing Home to do volunteer work. I had a great time together My dad fetch me and my mum and my sis for dinner.

I am still upset as my 2nd sister is not with us. We are not on talking terms together.


Another feast just before my birthday
Saturday, April 24, 2010
My parents on Saturday after picking my sister up from her tuition, we went to Paramount Hotel at Parkway to eat tim sum. We had a good lunch together but my 2nd sister was not with us. So upset because we are all not on talking terms for 2 years plus. After which, my ex church sister in Christ gave me a treat to Han River Table Barbeque for dinner. We had a good time together.


Job Interview
I went for a job interview on Friday as a Part Time Admin Assistant. I was feeling very nervous and anxious before the interview. The interviewer is very nice and she understand about my condition. She said that she don't mind to try me out. She would get back to me by next week.


Clarice Jim Syahrein Zhi De Rishi Valerie Yew Hua Qiaowei Jauhari Benny